Thursday, November 29, 2007

Total Axxess In Nashville

So last night we had a radio interview in Nashvegas at the world reknown WayFM!

It was an amazing experience across the board. Wally, the total axxess guy, had some pressing questions for all of us and pretty much tried to demoralize me and called into question my current spot on the road with Chasen by making an attempt to auition for my position as the bass player. However his evil plan was thwarted by my extra vocal talent to which he cannot touch with a stick. So no sweat!

One of the stipulations for our interview was playing a song called the "circle bunny" song. More or less the song was a lullaby the Wally sang to his daughter when she was young, but due to his late night work schedule he has now delegated the task to whatever band is in the studio that night.

Check out the link to the total axxess chasen page with the interview and songs including the
amazing "circle bunny" song right here....

Mucho amo,

Sunday, November 4, 2007

"You can find me in St. Louie..."

"Rolling on dubs, blowin' up like cocoa puffs"

St. Louis is a totally sweet city. We have had an absolute blast here in the big STL... from the Big-a-arch to accidentally driving down Martin Luther King Dr. I also got to see my best friend from high school (Daniel aka "D") while I was here and hang our alot with our new bros from Candlefuse. BTW if you ever roll through STL make sure you check out the City Museum probably one of the coolest places you'll ever go. Here is a few pics from the road... go to my mysace for more.
Mucho Amo,