Friday, June 13, 2008

What's "Happening"?

Tonight we went out to see "The Happening", M. Night Shamaamamalans new "thriller."
In the famous words of "Comic Book Guy" from the Simpsons...

The acting was atrocious, thank you Mark Whalberg, and the story line was barely coherent. Not only was it just simply horrid in every thematic sense of the word, it was honestly just about as boring as PBS documentary on the sleeping patterns of the South American three toed sloth!

And... I find that it is no coincidence that Mark Whalbergs face in this picture looks exactly like mine did when the credits finally rolled.



The Dales said...

Hey Clint! Wow, I found your blog through a friend, through a friend, know how it goes. Hope you are doing well! Can't believe you are about to have 3 boys! WOW! I have a little boy and he is a HAND FULL! Hope you are doing amazingly well!

Stephanie Moore Dale

Clint Hudson said...

Hey Steph,
Awesome to hear from you. Am, Jack, and I actually just moved from Greenville back to Lyman on Ridge Rd this past week! The twins will be here really soon, (hopefully)by the end of August or beginning of September. Shoot me a link to your blog so we can keep up.

Haley said...

Clint Hudson, WHAT? How the heck are you? Gosh it must have been 2 forevers since I have seen or heard from you!! I just linked your blog through Steph's, and almost couldn't believe it was you! Looks like life is treating you well, and thats awesome! I see you are living on Ridge Road now, so we are kind of neighbors. I live in the Lyman Mill Village, and go walking down Ridge all the time! Its great to see you are doing well! Keep us updated on the babies!

Haley (Ellenburg) Chafey